Sandland Packaging has continued its pioneering environmental journey to become the first corrugated sheet plant in the UK to become fully carbon neutral by measuring and offsetting ALL carbon emissions across Scope 1 and 2 and all 15 categories in Scope 3. This means all boxes produced by Sandland Packaging are certified carbon neutral and crucially are emissions free for their customers.

Martin Hickman, Managing Director, said “We are incredibly proud to be the first corrugated sheet plant in the UK to become fully Carbon Neutral. Not only can our customers benefit from buying the best bespoke boxes they can now do so with zero carbon emissions, reducing their impact. We’re also approaching our supply chain to challenge them on their environmental programme. Climate change is real and happening and we have to make a difference now.”

Dom Napier. Managing Director, TTBCG confirmed “The Climate Crisis is and will affect everyone on the planet. Currently we have a unique window to address the damage we are doing to the planet before it become irreversible. We have the knowledge, science and technology but what we don’t have is time. In 2019 the UK embedded in law its commitment to achieve Net Zero by 2050, so the only question everyone in the UK has to answer is, “when do you start”, and for Sandland that was in 2021.

We have measured all of their Green House Gas (GHG) emissions they create through their entire business activities and are working with Martin and the team to achieve Net Zero (a minimum 90% reduction in boundary emissions offsetting the remaining) by 2030, 20 years ahead of the UK backstop. In the interim, Sandland have achieved PAS2060 Carbon Neutral certification, by measuring and offsetting ALL of their GHG emissions.

Carbon Neutrality is not the end of the journey, but the beginning and demonstrates Sandland Packaging’s commitment to the global climate crisis. In addition to the purchase of certified international Carbon Credits to achieve PAS2060 Carbon Neutrality, Turning The Black Country Green (TTBCG) will be gifting 670 trees to students in local schools to raise awareness of the climate crisis and the outstanding achievement of Sandland Packaging’s PAS2060 Carbon Neutral Certification.”

Becoming fully Carbon Neutral is part of the journey to NetZero Sandland Packaging undertook recently with Turning the Black Country Green. This is in addition to other environmental initiatives including achieving FSC certification and planting one tree for every 5 orders manufactured with One Tree Planted, a non-profit organisation focused on global re-forestation.

Martin Hickman, Managing Director, said “We are incredibly proud to be the first corrugated sheet plant in the UK to become fully Carbon Neutral. Not only can our customers benefit from buying the best bespoke boxes they can now do so with zero carbon emissions, reducing their impact. We’re also approaching our supply chain to challenge them on their environmental programme. Climate change is real and happening and we have to make a difference now.”