The first UK sheet plant to be fully certified Carbon Neutral

Sandland Packaging is committed to sustainability through improving our impact on the environment, taking care of our customers, staff and suppliers and looking out for the wider community. We take our responsibilities seriously and continuously improve our commitment to better practice and better policies. We’re extremely pleased to announce we have successfully achieved environmental management standard ISO 14001 and 19001 , further underpinning our significant commitment to sustainability.

This is in addition to becoming the FIRST corrugated sheet plant in the UK to become FULLY carbon neutral by measuring and offsetting ALL carbon emissions across Scope 1 and 2 and all 15 categories in Scope 3. A significant help for our customers is providing better alternatives to plastic and polystyrene packaging. Often we can design a single fitment helping speed up production as well as reduce the impact on the environment.

The temperature of the Earth is rising, and the consensus is that our use of Greenhouse Gases GHG) is a direct cause. The rise in temperature has become known as Climate Change and we are all being asked to change our behaviour to stop this happening. Some of the effects of Climate Change include rising sea levels, extreme weather and the reduction in food and water availability.

The UK Government is committed to achieving NetZero by 2050 and this has been enshrined in law. Right now, not enough is being done and other incentives, such as tax breaks, and penalties, such as taxes, may be used to achieve this.

Sandland Packaging’s responsibility is inline with the country’s broader goal and the same responsibility as you, to look after our planet and follow the journey to become net zero by 2050. We have achieved carbon neutral status by calculating and offsetting all of Scope 1 and 2 and all 15 categories in Scope 3. All Sandland Packaging products are certified Carbon Neutral.

This is part of an ongoing programme to reduce our Carbon emissions. Our target is to achieve NetZero by 2030, 20 years ahead of the legal requirement. We’re taking responsibility TODAY for tomorrow’s NetZero solution

UNLIKE our competitors, we have decided to deal with all of our scope 3 activities which typically means we are dealing with 10x more carbon than our competitors.

Carbon Neutrality or Carbon Neutral means you have purchased carbon credits to offset the carbon you use for everything you do.

These rules are set by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol splits your greenhouse gas emissions into three categories: scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3.

Scope 1 are direct emissions caused by any process or activity by the company that causes greenhouse gas emission.

Scope 2 are indirect emissions caused by your company purchasing energy

Scope 3 emissions are all the indirect emissions that occur because of your business activity.

Many organisations cover Scopes 1 and 2 only as covering Scope 3 is hard and more costly.

Sandland Packaging’s PAS2060 Carbon Neutral certification means that ALL GHG emissions have been accounted for and ALL Products are certified Carbon Neutral and therefore have ZERO emissions.

This means when a company purchases from Sandland Packaging, they can report zero emissions in their own GHG accounting on the purchases, thus reporting a reduction in emissions. This ensures we are all helping to make a difference for the future of our planet and constantly improving.

We’re pleased the wider market is starting a journey to becoming Carbon Neutral. However, the vast majority are not offsetting all emissions and their products are not carbon neutral.

Our Carbon neutral status means all boxes produced by Sandland Packaging are certified carbon neutral and crucially are emissions free for our customers. Use this to reduce your Carbon Emissions and show your customers you use Carbon Neutral packaging.

Sandland Packaging Carbon Neutral Certificate
Reforestation Certificate New

Start your journey, check your impact on our planet.

WWF Footprint Calculator

Thinking of the future of our planet.

ISO 14001: Environmental management systems

Serious about environmental performance

ISO 14001 is a global standard that helps organisations manage their environmental impact effectively. We comply and are ISO 14001 Certified

One Tree Planted

We plant two trees for every box that is created.

Our commitment to sustainability is shown throughout the various projects we have completed with One Tree Planted.

Forest Stewardship Council FSC®

All our material is responsibly sourced and comes from forests managed by the Forest Stewardship Council

Our commitment to sustainability is shown throughout the relationship we have with the Forest Stewardship Council.

“Many individuals are doing what they can. But real success can only come if there is a change in our societies and in our economics and in our politics.”

- David Attenborough on Climate Change.

“We are determined to show a commitment to sustainability and will not greenwash, we are determined in achieving our goal of becoming NetZero.”

- Martin Hickman, Managing Director at Sandland Packaging

“Net Zero is legally embedded in UK law, so it's not a question of 'Will I take responsibility for my contribution to the Climate Crisis' its simply a matter of 'When will I START?" Small changes can make huge differences to everyone's future!"”

- Dom Napier, Turning The Black Country Green

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