
The Challenge:

One manufacturer, who provides consumer product machines for a leading food and drink company, had been asked to remove all non-recyclable elements within the product including the packaging. This wasn’t a problem for the product, however the packaging had high levels of polystyrene and plastic bagging. Our client needed an alternative that was recyclable and would keep their products safe during transportation. They came to Sandland.


The Solution:

To ensure complete protection we replicated the polystyrene with cushion pack style die-cut fitments made from corrugated cardboard. These allowed the product to be drop tested with similar protective levels to the polystyrene but this time with a cushion effect – allowing the packaging to crumple to a safe level protecting the product.


The Result:

Once all the designs were finalised we achieved what we set out to do. The entire outer and inner protective packaging was now 100% recyclable and produced from recycled material.

Let us help you

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Standard Style in mind? If so, select your box style below
Run of the mill solutions for standard cardboard boxes. Add your details for your personalised quote.


Please tell us in millimetres the required size of your box


Tell us how thick you want the board of your box to be


Please tell us how you would like the seal of your box to be? (You will still be able to open your box of course)

How many do you need?

Please specify how many boxes you need?

Your Information

Please tell us more about you so we can contact you regarding your quotation.
Please state any more information regarding your box requirements